Sejong , the Great King - A Great Leader , A Brilliant History.
The Royal Throne - 御座。
御座的后面- 即是:日月五峰屏[ The Sun,The Moon & Five Peaks Screen ]
1. Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyaido [ Celestial Planisphere ]
2. Pyeongkyung : 编磐。
[ Year 1427 : Chronology of King Sejong - Produced PyeongKyung , a musical instrument.]
Lucky this two korean student teached me how to make it this, if not i really don't know how to fold
& make it this. Ha ... Ha... They are so kindly and friendly too. i am so talkactive and automatically
go and asked them how to do it. They also very kindly to give me a hand. That why i said , i love
korea. Between this few days we was met so many korean people is very helpful and kindly too.