02/04/2011 : Day 7 - Namsangol Hanok Village – 南山谷韩屋村
Weather : Cloudy Temperature : Avg 4’c – 14’c
后补之旅游日记:-- 古厝/故居/民俗村
Introduction :Refer to :- www.visitkorea.or.kr |
If you get off at Chungmuro Subway Station, you are right in front of Namsangol Hanok Village (traditional Korean village). You may consider it interesting to find this area standing between the tall buildings. This village has five restored traditional Korean houses and a pavilion, a pond and a time capsule, which make it a perfect spot to take a walk. When you enter the front gate, you will see the vast valley and the Chunugak building to the left of the pond. Along with the pond, it is a splendid place where performances are held. On the side you will see five traditional houses. These houses were rebuilt after the traditional houses of Joseon Dynasty and belong to those of various social classes, ranking from peasants to the king. The furniture in the house is situated to help guests understand the daily life of the past, and the clean, traditional houses and their antique items provide a great photo op. If you would like to check out some souvenirs, stop by the traditional craftwork exhibit where you can buy small dishes and other items. You can also have traditional tea and refreshments. On the grounds, there are traditional games you may try such as 'neolttwigi' (sea-saw jumping), 'tuho'(arrow throwing) and 'yunnori' (traditional game of throwing wooden yut sticks). Don't forget to go see the traditional marriage ceremony! During the weekends, traditional marriages are shown at Bak Yeong Hyo's Residence. The traditional marriage ceremony is an interesting event for both Koreans and foreigners and many gather to watch. During the winter season (November to February), there are not as many wedding ceremonies as held in the spring and fall. Weddings are typically held around noon or 1 p.m. and visitors can take pictures with the husband and wife wearing traditional wedding costumes. There is also a time capsule commemorating Seoul’s 600 Year Anniversary that was buried in 1994 and is scheduled scheduled to be reopened four hundred years later in 2394. |
簡介 |
“在都市中體會韓式傳統房屋的魅力!”搭乘地鐵在忠武路站下車,就到達南山谷韓屋村了。韓屋村位於現代的高樓大廈間,特別顯得引人注目。韓屋村中,修復了5間傳統的韓式住宅。再加上涼亭、蓮花池等,讓這裡變成了散步休憩的好去處。 進入韓屋村的大門,映入眼簾的是一個小山坡,山坡左側的蓮花池中央,設有泉雨閣,這是傳統表演的主要舞台。泉雨閣和蓮花池彼此映照,更顯出韓屋村的幽靜。而一旁的5間傳統韓式建築,則圍繞著廣場佇立著。這些傳統建築,再朝鮮時代稱為“韓屋”。韓屋村內的建築,都是首爾市內其他地方的住宅,爲了保存這些文化古物,才將這些傳統住宅遷移到韓屋村裡。 這些住宅內曾住過當時君王的女婿、銀行官吏等。上至士大夫下到平民百姓等,皆曾在這些古宅內留下過歷史。這些韓屋內還擺設著,符合當時屋主身份的傢俱及各種生活用品,讓我們得以一窥朝鮮時代的生活型態。在這些潔淨的韓屋中照相留影的話,也是很不錯的回憶。 韓屋村內的傳統工藝展示館,擺飾著各種有趣的紀念品,讓遊客自由挑選。而傳統茶鋪裡,還能品嘗到韓國傳統的茶香。在展示館旁的廣場中則設置有跳跳板、投壺、四竹棋等各種傳統遊藝,讓遊客可以親自體驗。 在韓屋村中,還有一個非看不可的景點,就是傳統婚禮。在朴泳孝家每周六、日,都有舉行韓國傳統式婚禮。這種傳統結婚典禮,除了外國人,就連對許多韓國人而言,還是相當新奇。韓國傳統結婚典禮最大特色就是,所有的人都可以玩的相當盡興。在場除了新人的親朋好友以外,整個庭院幾乎都被圍觀的民眾擠滿了。雖說是傳統婚禮,但卻未遵循古禮,選擇在良辰吉時進行典禮。 冬天因為天氣寒冷,所以結婚典禮較少;相對的,春天或秋天的新人則很多。一般而言,婚禮通常在中午12點或1點舉行,有興趣的遊客,可以在這段時間內前往。如果是外國遊客,在新人的允許下,還可以和穿著傳統服飾的新人合照。在韓屋村內,還有一個有趣的景點。就是為了紀念首爾市600周年,而建立的時空膠囊。時空膠囊建立於1994年,預定在400年後開啟。 |