Yesterday when my husband give me a call at early morning and told me that one of the special people came to Malaysia and have a visit to his Office as well. After that he told me that is our Previously Head Of Department.
Wow ! it was so surprised of me, because i tried to look for him for a long time but didn't get any news from others relationship people too. it was so happy and hear from his news. And i asked my husband to get his contact number and also was arranged to have a drink in cafe at night too. his family and our family was chated so happy and review back our working life memory and others matters & share some knowledge too.... but just chated very short time, almost getting midnight and my son want to go back to have a sleep and his wife also not feelling well too.cause get a cough and was ate medicine & make her so sleepy.
This time he purposely came here to visit or review back of his memory around of malaysia , sightseeing places or met some old friends here, cause he just retired and now is become freedom people to round the world ..... May be ...
Lost and found that kind of feeling is really different , just look likes you lost one thing around of your life and now you got it .... when certain ages coming than you won't require your life to get higher position or high pay or others materialistic matter, just want to get some old friend and contact with each others & keep in touch with each others or some times send some regard to each others, that kind of feel is considered is the best feeling for me now ...
Cause we was lost contact with each others was overed 10 years, so it let me felt that friendship connection is very important. when we review back our human memory. As a human life not many such of 10 years life ... can we know how long for our life in future ... who knows ? no body knows.... 珍惜现在所拥有过的,包括:朋友,家人。[ My meaning is care with each others , it is included of friends & family too in my human life ] This is for my human life memory.
Cause he treat us likes his friend too before when we are under his management. That why we can worked with each others very well relationship as well. Cause he didn't show off his position infront of us and also he is low profile person too. Never show off at all... This is the one i respect him so far .....
Hopefully this friend relationship can be continue and keep in touch forever....even is long distance and his family living in oversea countries but it is doesn't matter... internet can connection with each others....
Have a good Trip for them ...